About Me

My name is Karen and I am one of those people who absolutely loves food, I'll happily try anything once (and more than once if it's really good). Cooking, baking, eating out, eating in I just love it!

My world almost revolves around food, I'm always thinking what will I be having for my next meal or where I could try next! I am one of those people who hunt for offers and discounts so that I can afford to try so many new places and when I find these deals I am happy to share them with you!

I usually browse through www.groupon.com, look on the bookatable app and if you live in Norwich the spree vouchers have a good range of offers. I do love a good bargain!

As well as eating out I own a wide range of cook books and love adapting their recipes to create wonderful meals and treats. I do have a sweet tooth and baking is something that gives me great pleasure in attempting, not everything goes well or looks like a 5* dish but at the end of the day as long as it tastes good and people enjoy them I'm happy.

Keep Loving Food

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