Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Bitesized Rose Scones

Scones have not been a strong point for me, however with a little practice I'm sure that I will get the hang of them one day. I used a recipe from National Trust Simply Baking by Sybil Kapoor, which had a plain scones recipe as a base and then some adaptations underneath. The adaption I tried was for Rose Scones. This was as simple as adding 1/2tsp of rose water/ flavour to the milk before mixing it into the flour. However, you really have to be careful using rose water/ flavour as can be extremely strong and overpower the bake. No more than 1/2 tsp (maybe a little less) is advised.

Although I have made about 24 bite-size scones, 8 larger ones can be made from the same quantity of dough. 

Recipe Below

225g Self raising flour
1/2tsp Salt
55g Butter
30g Caster sugar
150ml Milk
1/2tsp Rose flavour or rose water

1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Lightly oil a non stick baking sheet.

2. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Add the butter and rub to create fine crumbs.

3. Stir in the sugar, then add the milk and rose water and mix until it forms a soft dough. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth.
4. Roll out the dough evenly to about 1cm thick. Dust a 3-4cm cookie cutter in flour and stamp out your sconces. Place on baking sheet, gather the scraps and re-roll for more scones.

5. Bake for around 25 minutes or until risen and brown.

Optional: you can make 8 normal sized scones by rolling the dough to about 2.5 cm thick and using a 7cm cutter. 

With these being bit sized I enjoyed putting a little butter and jam on one and sandwiching another on top.

Keep Loving Food

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