I have to say these were the first cookies that I have baked that turned out looking like shop bought ones!
Got this recipe from John Whaite bakes as wanted to bake cakes but ran out of eggs (I know what sort of person who loves food runs out of eggs...) so flicked through and came across these.
My boyfriend for my birthday bought me a cooking thermometer which I haven't had a chance to use yet made the idea of attempting caramel even more tempting. With 100g of caster sugar and 3tbsp of water I set to work, I say work I mean mixing sugar and water and then heating on a high temperature it till it turned a lovely amber colour (watch it when it becomes light Amber as can burn quickly) before pouring it onto a baking sheet. I'm not sure I did mine right as still had sugary lumps but I didn't burn it! This made a lovely thin caramel shard, and yes I did play with a little bit of caramel making it all stringy which was very fun.
Once that had cooled, I broke it into small pieces and added to a cookie dough (I followed the one in the book, see below, but any cookie dough would work). Had to be very careful as felt like I was mixing glass into the dough as the broken caramel can be very sharp.
Recipe below